Admissions are open for Session: 2023-2024!!
A vision to provide a safe, secured and vibrant learning environment, offering a range of opportunities that are structured to promote excellence, confidence and self- esteem in every child.
To nurture individuals towards excellence in a happy, value based and progressive learning community.
School values Respect, Learning and Working together. We hold high expectations of all staff and students and celebrate a strong commitment to hard work and personal achievement.
About Us
Esse voluptas cumque vel exercitationem. Reiciendis est hic accusamus. Non ipsam et sed minima temporibus laudantium. Soluta voluptate sed facere corporis dolores excepturi. Libero laboriosam sint et id nulla tenetur. Suscipit aut voluptate.
Lorem Ipsum
Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident
Nemo Enim
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque
Dine Pad
Explicabo est voluptatum asperiores consequatur magnam. Et veritatis odit. Sunt aut deserunt minus aut eligendi omnis
The campus is equipped with modern facilities that are stimulating and supportive of the Teaching-Learning Processes pursued to realize our philosophy. Our campus is set in calm & pollution-free surroundings. The campus houses classes from Nursery to Standard XII. Spacious and airy classrooms, assigned to different levels, are separated houses. All the classes are technologically equipped to implement the Smart Class Programme. The audio-visual room and virtual classroom facility aids to provide a more meaningful and active learning experience.
Campus Facility includes:
Computer Lab
Our Computer lab is equipped with highly configured and efficient computers connected through the LAN. The high speed internet connectivity is also available to every Node. These facilities are an integral part of the curriculum. Students are expected to use computers in their day-to-day study in order to practice their computer learning and to keep connected with mordern learning updates.
Systems are updated with all necessory softwares to ensure computer learning according to syllabus. Team of highly trained teachers are commited to ensure fundamental and mordern computer learning.

Science Lab
Our Physics laboratory generate and sustain interest in the study of PHYSICS with practical knowledge by motivating our students of class VI to XII to ensure divergent scientific thinking.
Our Chemistry lab is equipped with all the apparatus and chemicals required for practicals for students from classes VI to XII. The students perform practicals as per the syllabus.
Biology lab is equipped with well-equipped instruments , microscopes, computer and it gives relevant information about the unicellular and multicellular organisms by keeping the spicemens of all multicellular organisms

Smart Class
Eos voluptatibus quo. Odio similique illum id quidem non enim fuga. Qui natus non sunt dicta dolor et. In asperiores velit quaerat perferendis aut
Iure officiis odit rerum. Harum sequi eum illum corrupti culpa veritatis quisquam. Neque necessitatibus illo rerum eum ut. Commodi ipsam minima molestiae sed laboriosam a iste odio. Earum odit nesciunt fugiat sit ullam. Soluta et harum voluptatem optio quae

Library stands as a unique Knowledge Centre that offers access to essential and specialized information resources and services to meet the growing information needs. Library currently houses over 25000 Volumes of books. A rich collection of all Information, TextBook, Reference Books, journals and magzines is to enhance learning and enable discovery through the effective utilization of information resources.

Sport Facilities
Omnis blanditiis saepe eos autem qui sunt debitis porro quia.
Exercitationem nostrum omnis. Ut reiciendis repudiandae minus. Omnis recusandae ut non quam ut quod eius qui. Ipsum quia odit vero atque qui quibusdam amet. Occaecati sed est sint aut vitae molestiae voluptate vel

Dance Class
Omnis blanditiis saepe eos autem qui sunt debitis porro quia.
Exercitationem nostrum omnis. Ut reiciendis repudiandae minus. Omnis recusandae ut non quam ut quod eius qui. Ipsum quia odit vero atque qui quibusdam amet. Occaecati sed est sint aut vitae molestiae voluptate vel

Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.